Wednesday, October 27, 2010

tell your friends to get with my friends and we can be friends

young sis told me yesterday that the blog title is limited and has no search engine optimization so i decided to look at the metrics.  the page views are not hot fire mon.  i rip and i rhyme.  i rhyme when i rip, so what's the hold up america?  i figured this would be a work in progress but damn.  so check it, i'm going to work on hooking you up with exclusive offers.  like for real.  don't ask me where, when, how but it's coming.  in the meantime, get your friends to visit the blog so that they can get entertained, get hooked, then we get sponsors.  ok? ok.


  1. K.

    You should put your blog on foodbuzz. check out a few of my peeps blogs.


  2. Weird, how come I don't have a "Stats" tab on blogger??

    oh jk.. I guess it's new!
